DRA CRT Vanguard Center Land LP

DRA CRT Vanguard Center Land LP (SosId: 7825349) was incorporated on 9/15/2005 in North Carolina. Their business is recorded as Limited Partnerships. The Company's current operating status is Cancelled

Company Info
Business Name:
Date Formed:
Business Type:
Limited Partnerships
Annual Report Status:
Reg Office Address:
2 South Salisbury Street , Raleigh, NC 27601
Principal Office Address
Main Address:
C/o Dra Advisors LLC 220 East 42nd Street 27th Floor , New York, NY 10017
Registered Agent
Agent Name

This is not the official website of this company. Don't seek support service here please.

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Registered On 9/15/2005
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Atrium TRS I, LP Current-Active
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